Thursday, May 25, 2006

Over 100 peasant, labor and community leaders from South Korea are coming to Washington DC to build solidarity w/US workers and to protest the US-Korea Free Trade Negotiations and neoliberal globalization!

Join Us!
Sunday Afternoon, June 4
MASS March and Rally
March begins @ 2:30 pm, Murrow Park
18th and H St, NW, D.C.
Rally @ 4:30 pm, Lafayette Park
16th and H St., NW, D.C.

June 4 – 9, 2006
Week of Protests!
Washington, D.C.

For more information, call (718) 335-0419 and check out

NYCàDC Buses leave Sunday 7am @ 39 W. 14th St. between 5th & 6th Ave
Reservation is required (917)-225-9615

Mobilize and Organize to Resist the FTA and Neoliberal Globalization (MORFNG)

Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition)
Addicted to War
Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle, L.A.American Friends Service Committee, Oakland, CA
Anakbayan, L.A.
Andolan Organizing South Asian WorkersAudre Lorde Project
Boston Korea Friendship Association (보스톤 코리아친우회)CAAAV: Organizing Asian CommunitiesCenter for Constitutional RightsChanning and Popai Liem Education Foundation (림창영 이보배 교육재단)Chinese Progressive Association, San FranciscoCoalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (Chirla)Colombia Action Network
Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), L.A.Community Organizing Collective, PACongress for Korea Reunification (CKR) (자주민주통일미주연합)
Corea Action Network for Unification (CAN-U) (재미청년협의회)
Desis Rising Up and Moving Domestic Workers United (DMC)El Instituto de Educacion Popular del Sur de California/ Institute of Popular Education of Southern CA (IDEPSCA)EnlaceFabulous Independent Education Radicals for Community Empowerment (FIERCE)Filipino Community Support (FOCUS), Santa Clara County, CAFree Palestine AllianceFTA Action Task Force – L.A. (한미 FTA Action Task Force-로스앤젤레스)
Grassroots Global Justice AllianceHabiarts, L.A.
Han Pan Korean American Cultural Group, Maryland
Ignacio Martin-Baro Fund for Mental Health and Human RightsImmigrant Justice Solidarity ProjectInternational Action Center (IAC)
Minjok-Tongshin ( (민족통신)
Korea Truth Commission- Joint Office (전민특위 공동사무국)
Korea Truth Commission- USA (전민특위 미국위원회)
Korean American Cultural Center, Virginia (우리문화나눔터)Korean American for Korean Democratic Labor Party (민주노동당 미주후원회)
Korean American National Coordinating Council (KANCC) (재미동포전국연합회)
Korean Cultural Center-Han Pan(Maryland) (문화패 한판)
Korean Democratic Labor Party – U.S. East Coast Branch (민주노동당 미국동부지역위원회)
Koreatown Immigrant Workers Advocates(KIWA-LA) (남가주 한인노동상담소)
Left Turn MagazineMalcolm X Grassroots MovementMiami Workers CenterMultiethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network (MIWON)National Association of Korean Americans (NAKA) (미주동포전국협회)
National Committee to Free the Cuban FiveNational Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR)National Network of Indochina Activists
Network in Solidarity with the People of Philippines (NISPOP)Nodutdol for Korean Community Development (노둣돌)
One Korea L.A. Forum (통일맞이 나성포럼)
Palestine Right to Return Coalition
Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification in USA (조국통일범민족연합 재미본부)
People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER)Pilipino Workers Center of Southern California (PWC)Prison Moratorium Project (PMP)Project South
Puerto Rican Alliance of L.A.South Asian NetworkSoutheast Regional Economic Justice NetworkSouthwest Workers UnionSweatshop WatchTenants and Workers UnitedTroops Out Now CoalitionUnited Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE).United Electrical Workers (UE) Local 1421VietUnity, Bay Area, CaliforniaWar Resisters LeagueWorkers World Party

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Down with the U.S.-South Korea FTA
June 4 – 9, 2006
Week of Protests
Washington, D.C.

Sunday Afternoon, June 4
MASS Action in D.C.
Time and Location TBA

For more information, call (718) 335-0419

The U.S. and South Korean governments will begin FTA negotiations on June 5, 2006.

Join peasant, labor and community leaders from South Korea to protest the trade talks and neoliberal globalization.

The struggle againt the U.S.-S.K. FTA is a key struggle in the global struggle against neoliberalism

U.S.-based organizations from a wide range of sectors have endorsed and will be sending delegates to D.C.

According to former U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman,
“An FTA with South Korea would be the largest for the United States since NAFTA with Canada and Mexico.”

The U.S.-South Korea FTA, if ratified, will have devastating results. It will –
Allow the U.S. to dump cheap imports on the Korean people. Unable to compete, 3.5 million peasants stand to lose their livelihoods.

Get rid of worker protections. Practically overnight 15 million workers will become a dispensable and highly exploitable contingent labor force.
Create more migrant workers, forced to leave their homes and face discrimination in other countries.

Destroy the cultural fabric of South Korea by controlling culture through the market in which potential for profit overtakes the value of human relationships and artistic expression.

Mobilize and Organize to Resist the FTA and Neoliberal Globalization (MORFNG)